
All advertising on NecroScope is published on the condition that the advertiser indemnifies the publication and its employees against all actions, suits, claims, loss and/or damage resulting from anything published by the advertiser.

If you're selling a zombie-related product or service, there is no better platform in Australia to reach your target audience than NecroScope.

$55 for one month (30 days) - unlimited clicks.
$132 for three months (90 days) - unlimited clicks.
Payment via Direct Deposit

200 x 200 pixel banner ad.
JPG or GIF (animated or static) file formats only.
72dpi. Max file size 100kb.

Rates are quoted in Australian dollars and include GST.
Click-throughs are not measured. Advertisers are paying for duration only.

Advertisements are limited by availability. When a new ad is booked, it will be published when the next available banner space is available (i.e. when the previous advertiser's ad has expired).

Advertisements may be booked for a maximum of three (3) months.

To advertise your business on NecroScope, contact:
Chuck McKenzie, Keeper of the Dead